Mappa project (gwg-women-techmakers)
This is a Grow with Google project for an offline first app that provides information based on location and search. It provides useful information about restaurants and other places nearby that you might want to visit
Current Contributors Profiles
See the current contributors here
Getting Started
Read the the Set Up Instructions on our wiki.
Contributing to the Project
Please read the contribution guidelines on the wiki to see how to get started with solving issues and creating pull requests.
The repository uses the following files :
public/index.html : The main HTML page. Contains links to all of the CSS resources needed to render the map and results. It also loads results of Google Maps API asynchronously.
src/index.js: is the JavaScript entry point.
- src/components: Contains all the controls.
*Description.js Contains the Wiki component that displays the Wikipedia information about the current city.
Header.js Get’s the current location and weather conditions and displays the information on the header.
InitialMap.js Get’s and displays the map with markers to the search results.
Places.js Displays the searchResults in the form of a list on the left side of the app.
PlacesListItem.js Contains the ListItems control that displays all the list items. It displays the name address and opening hours of a place.
Search.js Get’s the user Input for search query.
- src/css/index.css Contains the styles of the App
- src/services folder has the code that makes calls to the location, map and weather API’s and fetches their results.
geolocation.js has code to get geolocation
- weather.js contains the code for getting the weather
- registerServiceWorker.js checks for and registers the service worker for the application.
Some Packages Used
- npm
- react
- react-dom
- react-scripts
- cra-append-sw
- google-maps-react
This project is made as part of the Grow With Google Challenge for:
- Creating Progressive web applications
- Registering and create a service worker
- Creating a REACT web application
- Collaborating using GIT
- Interacting with API servers
- Use of third-party libraries and APIs
- Use Google Maps