Following these instructions will enable you to run the app locally with your own Google Maps API key.

This is an essential first step to contributing to this project.


Special instructions for beginners - Follow these steps up to “Give GitHub your public keys”.

General Set Up Instructions


Fork the repository to your github. * To **fork** the project, head over to [gwg-women-techmakers]( and fork the project into your own github. * Head into your forked project and click the green button that says **Clone or download** to see the URL to use to fork into your own computer. It should look a little something like this: `````` * Open your command shell of choice and navigate to the folder where you want your project to be in. Type in: ```git clone``` </details> 2.
How to get your own API key * Get Google Maps API - Go to the [Google API Console]( - [Create or select a project for Google Maps Android Backend API]( or search for it in **Library** panel - [Create or select a project for Google Maps JavaScript API]( or find it in **Library** panel - In Google API Console check to see if the APIs are enabled in **Enabled APIs and services** panel - In Google API Console retrieve your **API key** inside the **Credentials** panel. * Get a OpenWeatherMap API key: - Go to the [OpenWeatherMap how to start]( page and click sign up - Create a free account - Go to the API Keys tab
Getting it running * **Installing Dependencies**: - Navigate inside **gwg-women-techmakers** folder with your command shell and install all dependencies with your package manager of choice. * NPM: `npm install` * Yarn: `yarn install` * **Inserting your API key**: - Inside the directory, find **.env.example** and create a copy and name it **.env**. NOTE: .env is in .gitignore and will not be uploaded to your github. - Your API key inside your environment variable (.env) should start with **REACT_APP**. - Google's API should look this: ```REACT_APP_GKEY: api_key``` - Weather's API should look like this: ```REACT_APP_WEATHERKEY: api_key``` * **Starting the APP**: * Build everything together with your package manager of choice: * NPM: `npm run build` or `npm build` * Yarn: `yarn build` * Start it!: * Run the app by typing in: * NPM: ```npm start``` * Yarn: ```yarn start``` You should be able to see it run on localhost:3000. That's it!